The IJCAR steering committee is responsible for coordinating the organization of the International Joint Conference of Automated Reasoning. IJCAR consists of several constituent meetings, which have agreed to replace their meeting by IJCAR in those years where IJCAR takes place. In 2007, when these rules were created, the constituent meetings are CADE, FroCoS, FTP and TABLEAUX, but IJCAR is in principle open to additional meetings in the area of Automated Reasoning (a list of the constituent meetings of past and future IJCARs can be found at the end of these rules). IJCAR usually takes place every two years, and is usually part of FLoC whenever a FLoC takes place.
In the following rules,
“previous IJCAR” refers to the last IJCAR that has already taken place; “current IJCAR” refers to the next IJCAR that has not yet taken place; “future IJCAR” refers to any IJCAR that has not yet taken place.
The IJCAR steering committee (SC) includes
The previous conference chair steps down at the conclusion of the IJCAR that succeeded the meeting of which she/he was chair. The PC co-chairs step down at the conclusion of the meeting they co-chaired, or once the next PC co-chairs have been selected, whichever takes place later. The next PC co-chairs are then included in the SC.
The term limit for the representatives of the constituent meetings is determined individually by these meetings, and this limit should not exceed 6 years. If a constituent meeting dissolves, its representative stays on the IJCAR SC until the end of her/his term.
The steering committee may also decide to include representatives of other meetings in the area of Automated Reasoning if these meetings are seen as potential future constituent meetings. The inclusion of these representatives is discussed by the SC after each IJCAR conference. There should also be a term limit for these additional members (of no more than 6 years, fixed by the IJCAR SC) and the overall size of the IJCAR SC should stay reasonable due to these additions.
The representatives of the constituent meeting are supposed to discuss major decisions within the SC of their meeting before agreeing to them such that support of decisions of the IJCAR SC by the SCs of the constituent meetings is ensured. Minor or very time-critical decisions may be approved by the representative directly.
The IJCAR SC makes decisions on any topics vital to the running of the IJCAR conference series, and coordinates the organization of the IJCAR conferences.
The main tasks of the IJCAR SC are
the selection of time and location for future IJCARs the selection of the conference chair for future IJCARs the selection of the PC co-chairs for future IJCARs advising the conference chair and the PC co-chairs in important decisions such as selecting the PC, selecting venues for the technical and social program, etc. deciding on whether IJCAR will be part of a larger meeting such as FLoC deciding on whether an additional meeting can join IJCAR as a constituent meeting The IJCAR steering committee selects a chair, whose main tasks are to initiate and lead the discussions regarding the above tasks and to ensure that decisions are made in a timely manner. The IJCAR SC chair is also the IJCAR representative in the FLoC steering committee.
2a. Time, location, and conference chairs are selected based on proposals sent in by prospective conference chairs and local organizers. The IJCAR SC is responsible for issuing a call for proposals early enough so that a decision on the time and location can be taken well in advance of the next IJCAR (usually at least 18 months before the meeting).
2b. Candidates for PC co-chairs are usually nominated by the constituent meetings after a discussion in their SCs, but additional candidates can be nominated by members of the IJCAR SC. The nominated candidates are then discussed in the IJCAR SC, and a set of PC co-chairs is proposed to the constituent meetings for approval. This process is iterated until an agreement is reached. Usually, IJCAR will have two PC co-chairs, but having one PC chair or three co-chairs is also possible. There should not be more than three PC co-chairs.
Members of the IJCAR SC cannot be candidates for a PC co-chair position. Members of the SC of a constituent meeting are eligible, but they cannot be nominated by their own meeting. In exceptional cases, the conference chair may also be nominated as a PC co-chair. Previous IJCAR PC co-chairs cannot be nominated, but previous PC chairs of constituent meetings are eligible. For meetings with formally published proceedings, they should not have held this position too recently (not within the last 5 years) whereas there is no restriction for meetings without such proceedings.
2c. Before fixing the program committee, the PC co-chairs should send the list of proposed members to the IJCAR SC so that it can comment on whether all constituent meetings are well represented.
CADE Inc. underwrites IJCAR with the funds earmarked for IJCAR in the CADE Inc. accounts. At the discretion of the CADE Board of Trustees, IJCAR deficits beyond these funds may be covered.
If Bledsoe travel awards are offered during an IJCAR, the expense is covered first by IJCAR’s budget (i.e., counted against its surplus), next, if needed, by the funds earmarked for IJCAR in the CADE Inc. budget, and next, if needed, by the CADE Inc. budget itself.
In case of a surplus, CADE Inc. will retain 25% of the surplus. The remaining 75% of the surplus is earmarked for future IJCARs. CADE Inc. will provide the service of holding this part earmarked for IJCAR in a CADE account.
Surplus funds earmarked for IJCAR are also earmarked for the constituent meetings of the particular IJCAR from which they were generated. Thus, if IJCAR 20XX consists of N meetings and runs a surplus of S, then (.75*S)/N in funds is earmarked for each of those N meetings.
IJCAR implements the ACM policy against harassment.